Is it possible to change the number in VK. How to change VKontakte phone number. How to change the phone number for a VKontakte page

On this moment, each page in social network VKontakte must be linked to a number mobile phone. All major changes that you make to your page will be confirmed using a code that will be sent to you via SMS to your contact number.

If you changed your number or lost access to your SIM card, it doesn’t matter. You can link a new one to the page.

Now I'll show you how to change VKontakte phone number.

How to change your number in VK

Here we find the block "Phone number". Opposite the current number, click the link “Change”.

A window will open where you need to specify new number phone. Then click on the “Get code” button.

A code will be sent to the specified number via SMS message. Enter it in the form and click “Submit code”. If everything was done correctly, your number will be changed.

We have prepared a video for you, where we explain in detail about changing mail and phone in the page settings.

The VKontakte user page has been linked to a phone number for a certain time. No, you can use the page if you haven’t linked it to a number, but most network functions will not be available to you. If you once linked a number to a page and want to change it, this will not cause you any problems.

On your page, click on the “My Settings” button.

When the settings page opens, stay on the “General” tab and scroll down the page until you see the “Your phone number” subsection. There is a button “Change phone number” - click on it.

A sign will appear in front of you and you will be asked to enter a new phone number. Enter and click on the “Get code” button.

Now you will receive a code via SMS to your phone number that you just specified. Enter it in the “Confirmation code” form and click on the “Submit code” button, as shown below.

After you click on the button, you will see a message that will notify you that the application to change your number has been accepted. But the change of phone number will not happen immediately, but after some time - 14 days. In order for the number change to occur immediately, you need to click on the “Click here” button. In addition, you should have at hand old number phone, because a message with a security code will be sent to it.

The exact same window that you saw a minute ago will appear in front of you. Only the number no longer needs to be entered, since the number to which the page is still linked is recorded. Click on the "Get code" button.

An SMS message with a confirmation code will be sent to your previous number. Enter it in the field and click “Submit Code”.

That's all - you've just successfully changed the number on your page.

If you are interested in how to change your phone number in VK, you have come to this page very successfully. We will tell you how to change the settings if there is no access to the number, as well as if it is. Let's talk about everyone along the way pitfalls that accompany the process.

Today, absolutely every page on VK is linked to a phone number. This increases account security and prevents the risk of hacking or unauthorized access. The system even reacts if you log into your profile with unusual device. The user is asked to enter a code that is sent to the smartphone linked to the VK profile.

But what to do if this number has long been lost? Is it really time to say goodbye to your favorite page and re-gather friends, subscribers, and interesting content? Don't be afraid, there is a way out! We will tell you how to change your phone number in VK using all available methods.

If you have access to a smartphone

First of all, we will tell you how to change your phone number in VK if this phone still works and is at your disposal. By the way, the process will not take you much time:

  • Go to your profile and click on the round icon with your avatar in the upper right;
  • Select the “Settings” section;
  • Go to the “General” block;
  • Find an item "Phone number";
  • Click "Change" ;
  • Enter a new combination;
  • Confirm the action by entering the code that will be sent to your old handset;
  • Enter the code again that will come to new smartphone;
  • Ready.

If access is lost

How to change your phone number in Contact to another if you no longer use this mobile phone?

  • Follow this link: ;
  • You will find yourself on the page for restoring access to your profile;
  • At the bottom of the window you will see a “click here” command if you do not have access to your phone;
  • Enter your profile link (click "Search by people" to find the profile and copy its address). And you shouldn’t rely on social networks, although it can be useful;
  • You will find yourself in a window with fields that need to be filled out to the maximum. To change your VK number via phone or computer, remember your old password, phone number, and email address. VKontakte support service must make sure that you are really the real owner of the account. When you are finished filling out, press the “Submit Application” button.
  • According to an official certificate, the application is processed within 10-14 days, but usually faster. You will receive instructions by e-mail;

How to change the mobile phone associated with a group?

To change the phone number in the VKontakte group, you need to have administrator rights.

  • Open the community and find the “Management” section in the right column;
  • To confirm the action, click on the “Save” button.

If you are interested in how to change the number associated with a group in VK, you need to be the creator of this community. The linked mobile is similar to the numbers to which it is linked personal profile user. To change it, use the instructions above.

If you are wondering whether it is possible to change the phone number in VK from someone else’s profile, the answer will be negative. Only the page owner can change his personal settings; any outside interference will be considered an unauthorized hack.

We all know that phone number and SMS alerts are used everywhere in security systems today. The same situation is developing in the social network VKontakte. Using your phone number you can:

— register a user;
— restore access;
- restore forgotten passwords;
— receive important messages from the VK system;
— log in to your personal account.

Without a phone number, of course, you can register on VK today, however, it is better not to do this. After all, thanks to this approach (verification via SMS), a whole mass of bots and fake (fictitious) accounts are eliminated, which are created only to SPAM and bother normal live users, offering various pseudo-profitable, pseudo-interesting, pseudo-useful links and other virtual trash. Plus, having a phone number increases your security!

Thus, personal number phone, registered and activated by VK, provides a lot of advantages, serves as the key to the user’s personal account and reliable protection against bans and hacking of your account. Accordingly, in case of loss, disappearance, change mobile number, changes must be made immediately personal account. Otherwise, the risk greatly increases that your account will be hacked and lost forever, along with all the photos, videos, friends lists and other delights of Contact.

CONCLUSION: It is imperative to keep your VK phone number up to date!

And this step-by-step instruction will not tell our readers about the procedure for changing a phone number in two cases:

— when you have both SIM cards (both old and new);
- when the old SIM card ( phone number) is no longer available (lost, stolen, replaced).

Link, unlink, change VK phone number

1. This step-by-step instruction must begin with the fact that we definitely need to log in and log in to our VK personal account. In other words, you must enter your Login and Password to log into your account. Without this, all other actions will be unavailable!

2. As soon as we have entered Contact, go to the “Settings” section:

3. In the “General” section, look for the “Phone number” item, click “Change”:

4. In the “Change mobile phone number” window that opens, enter new phone number by first selecting your country (region). When finished, click “Get code”:

5. An SMS will be sent to the specified new phone number with secret code, consisting of five digits. Enter this code in the empty field. Click “Send code”.

6. The VKontakte security system will inform you that the application to change the phone number has been accepted and the old valid number will be replaced with a new one after 14 days (2 weeks).

7. In order not to wait so long, the validation (confirmation/activation) procedure can be accelerated by using the help of special Contact services. To speed up the verification and linking of a new number, in order to quickly unlink the old phone number, click on the “click here” link.

Here we will be asked to go through a confirmation procedure similar to that described in this step by step instructions, therefore, no special problems should arise. It’s simple - unlink the old number and the new phone will immediately take effect:

The process of unlinking/disabling the old number (if you have an old SIM card in your hands, if possible, receive a secret SMS with a code) will look like this:

Let me remind you that login is a unique phrase that is used as a username. We indicate the login when logging into VKontakte.

In this manual I will explain to you, Is it possible to change the VKontakte login, and how to do it.

You indicate them when registering a page. Subsequently, if there is such a need, they can be changed.

See also :

To do this, we need to go to settings. Go to VKontakte and open the drop-down menu in the upper right corner. Next, click "Settings".

Here we are interested in two items: email and phone number. Next to them there is a link "Edit". Click it to start making changes.

Changing email in VK

Let's start with Email. After clicking on the “Change” link, an additional field will appear here. We need to enter a new postal address in it. Then click "Save address".

Please note - for the changes to be saved, you need to go to Mailbox, whose address you provided. There you will receive a letter confirming that this address needs to be linked to your page. To confirm, you will need to follow the link in the letter.

Changing the VKontakte phone number

A form for entering a number will open. There we dial a new phone number. Then click “Get code”.

You will receive an SMS with a code to your number. It will need to be entered into the form. Then we save the changes.

Great, Now you can use your new credentials to log in to the page. See also - , .