What is Jailbreak and how to install or remove jailbreak on iPhone (iOS). Safe removal of iOS jailbreak How to get rid of iOS 7 jailbreak

If you did it out of curiosity and now want to delete it, there are several solutions: you can do it with a forced update to the latest one, which is especially painful for iPhone 4s and earlier models. These devices have the latest mobile version operating system Apple quickly drains the battery, causes communication problems and is very slow. So today I will tell you how to remove jailbreak without automatic iOS update.

Is it possible to remove jailbreak?

Until recently, there were no tools that would allow you to remove a jailbreak from an iPhone without flashing it. I had to restore the device on my computer via iTunes. If at the time of restoration the version of iOS on your device was different from the current one, flashing was accompanied by automatic update. For owners of the latest iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus (or the future iPhone 6s and iPhone 6s Plus, the presentation of which we expect tomorrow) with a large performance reserve, this is not a problem. Users of the iPhone 4s received a terribly slow iOS device with a firmware update.

Today we have a tool that allows you to remove jailbreak and reset your device to factory settings without flashing it, and all this thanks to the creator of the alternative Cydia app store, Saurik. It's called Cydia Impactor and is available in Cydia in the BigBoss repository completely free.


To remove jailbreak from an iPhone without restoring it on your computer:

  1. Create via , or ;
  2. Connect your device to the Internet (optimally via Wi-Fi);
  3. Charge the device at least 20%;
  4. Insert SIM card;
  5. Make sure that the device is linked to your “ ” function (if enabled);

How to remove jailbreak


As you can see, it is possible to remove jailbreak from an iPhone and it is not at all difficult to do. To restore data you can use

Installing a jailbreak on an iPad will allow you to hack the current operating system file system, for example for game applications. Many users ask the question: is it possible and how to remove “jailbreak”?

Jailbreak for iPad - a special department containing an action plan for tethered and untethered jailbreak - “jailbreak”, which allows you to hack an iPad with any version of iOS. The jailbreak process occurs when using the software applications “PanGu”, “Redsn0w” or “evasi0n”. In the subsections of the system there are special instructions that provide the procedure for installing hacked programs, modified firmware and eliminating system errors iTunes programs. You cannot run the new jailbroken version of iOS 5 or higher on an iPad without jailbreak.

What types of jailbreak for iPad 2, iPad 1, iPad 3, iPad Mini exist?

“Tethered jailbreak” or tethered jailbreak on iPad 2 allows you to provide access to system files Apple iPad until the tablet is rebooted or until it is turned off. When a new start follows, the iPad 5 jailbreak may not load at all, or once loaded, the applications will not be able to fully work. Therefore, it is distinctive in that it is tied to a PC and cannot function without it.

Semi-tethered jailbreak or semi-tethered jailbreak is similar to the previous one, except that it can allow you to reboot the tablet without connecting to a computer. However, you cannot use software applications Cydia and its tweaks, Mail or Safari. As a result, it is tied to the PC connection, which will launch and download necessary files on him.

Untethered jailbreak or untethered jailbreak is installed on the iPad once before the need for installation arises new firmware BY. With its help, you can open the path to the operating system files the next time you boot iOS 10, without using extra effort.

Types of jailbreak versions

The latest jailbreak v.1.2.0 update for iOS 9-9.0.2 solves persistent problems, but new ones arise. So, for example, those who had the joy of erasing old version and updated the system to iOS 9 on Apple's iPad 5 for the game, we encountered unstable operation of the devices after downloading it.

In another case, the developed iOS 9.3.4 jailbreak allows you to hack software iPad mini 5 without using a computer. Although the developers are required to fill out the user's Apple ID before downloading.

It must be remembered that before working with jailbreaking operating systems 9.3.3 or 9.2, you first need to do backup all files on your iPad 5 through the iCloud program or using the program iTunes to prevent data deletion. At the same time, jailbreaking can be performed for software of any type of iPad, including iPad mini 5.

How to install iOS 9.3.3 jailbreak for the game without a computer

To make the first jailbreak iOS 9 or iOS 10 on iPad, launch the Safari software by opening iPad settings air 2. Download the necessary link to the PP application to carry out the jailbreak process . A menu will open where you select the “Install” command, starting the download process on the desktop of the PP application. While watching the process, wait until the “download” process moves into the “installation” stage of the process, then turn on the “Airplane” mode on your tablet. Once the installation process is complete, you can turn off Airplane mode on your device.

The next step is to open the “Settings” menu and select the “General” section, and then activate the “Device Management” subsection. Then select the suggested certificates and click the “Trust” command. Then, returning to the home page, enable the installed PP and confirm by clicking “OK” the sending of push notifications.

Find the checkbox in the PP below to remove it. And then press the screen lock button, waiting for a message to arrive indicating that the iPad jailbreak procedure has been successfully completed. Now unlock your iPad and press PP to begin installing Cydia, the process of which ends with a system reboot.

Open the installed Cydia program on the home screen to prepare and launch it. In this case, the iOS tethered jailbreak format is used, so after the next reboot of the device you will again have to install the “jailbreak” mode, for which you will again need the PP application, without which the entire process cannot be completed. So an iPad without jailbreak will not be able to install games, so do not uninstall PP unnecessarily.

Is it possible and how to remove jailbreak?

In order to remove a jailbreak, for example a game, open “Cydia” on the main screen. Next, in “BigBoss”, find the Cydia Impactor utility, then install and run it. At the bottom of the screen menu, activate the “delete all data and..” key, which means deleting, including jailbreak.

Then, to completely erase the data, press the “Delete all” button. Subsequently, the iPad screen will display the jailbreak removal process in the status bar. Wait about ten minutes for this process to complete. After which the iPad will reboot on its own.

To remove a jailbreak from an iPad, you need to connect your iOS tablet to a PC with the latest version of iTunes installed. If it is not there or the version is not the latest, download it from the official website to your computer. Next, at the top of the main menu, find the “Find iPad” option, after which the program will ask you to disable the “Find iPad” option in order to start the device recovery process. You will go to the Settings menu, where you will open the iCloud section, which will have the Find My iPad function. Your iPad will be updated to factory settings. If the backup iPad data saved, then when loading, restore the iPad settings by clicking the “Restore from Backup” button "or you need to select the "Restore from copy" command in iTunes.

Jailbreak allows you to open access to the file systems of iPhone, iPod, iPad. Its installation makes it possible to use themes, tweaks from, and install different applications. This operation is not supported by Apple; by installing a jailbreak, you will violate the license agreement, which will deprive you of your rights to technical support. By deleting it, you will restore all rights. Therefore, for users who decide that there are more disadvantages to jailbreak than advantages, we will tell you how to remove jailbreak safely, with or without reinstalling iOS.

The easiest way is to restore the device

The second reason to remove Jailbreak is failures in iPhone work/iPad. Your iPhone has become unstable and you have been advised to remove Jailbreak. Indeed, an iPhone without iOS jailbreak works much faster, multimedia and applications open without delay, Safar functions perfectly, and there are no keyboard glitches. Not long ago, jailbreak was not removed without flashing the iPhone. There was only recovery via iTunes, which we will discuss below. This method is applicable for owners of iPhone 6 and later versions. For owners of earlier versions, this method was inconvenient, because the operating system was automatically updated, but the phone “does not support it.” Now exists Alternative option. We will tell you how to remove jailbreak iOS 9 via Cydia.

It is possible to restore the device using iTunes by forcibly updating iOS to the latest version.

This method will not delete your contacts, music, photos, etc. For those who have a lot of data stored on their iPhone that is not stored in iCloud, this method will be optimal.

However, please note: iOS update may have a painful effect on early models, up to the iPhone 4s. The latest version of the operating system will quickly drain the battery, the iPhone will begin to slow down, and problems with the network will appear. Therefore, this method is recommended for owners of later iPhone versions With installed jailbreak ios 9.

iOS Jailbreak Removal Steps:

When you first boot, the system will ask if the iPhone is new or if you have a saved Backup. You can select Backup or in iTunes click “Restore from copy”.

The device will be restored using iTunes, the data and iOS jailbreak applications, tweaks, and other data from backup copy After the recovery process is completed, they will be returned to the phone.

Delete all data

If there is no important data on the phone or all of it is saved on the cloud, you can completely.

Steps to complete cleaning phone:

  1. Connect it to your computer;
  2. Turn on iTunes;
  3. Activate the "Restore" button;
  4. Cancel the "Backup" request.

iPhone will connect to Apple servers via iTunes, it will install latest firmware iOS. All data on the phone will be erased.

Recovery via Cydia Impactor

It is not always convenient to use the procedures described above, because not all users want to update iOS. Let's look at how to remove jailbreak without restoring and updating the operating system: this is done using Cydia Impactor. The tool is available for free on BigBoss. So, we proceed as follows.

Hi all! In many articles devoted to various problems with the iPhone and iPad, I write - remove the jailbreak, because it is often the very problem due to which something does not work or does not function as it should. Now it’s time to tell you how to do it - remove the jailbreak and, more importantly, without harming the device. In fact, it's not that simple. Why? Because there is no magic button in the device menu, after pressing which the jail will be erased and everything will return to factory settings.

More precisely, there is such a button, I talked about it. However, for devices with jailbreak, pressing it will cause the device to become completely inoperable and freeze on the apple. Therefore, removing jailbreak through a regular reset is a bad idea. What should we do then? Now I’ll tell you everything, let’s go!

Attention! Before performing any actions indicated in the article, be sure to create a backup copy (well, if you want to save your data).

How to remove jailbreak without a computer and without restoring the firmware

The method is suitable for experienced users, so if you have only recently used Apple technology, then I advise you to skip this section of the article and go to the next subheading. Although it's never too late to learn! :)

This method is good for several reasons:

  • When you remove the jailbreak, the firmware version will remain the same as it was. Everything happens without software recovery.
  • The iPhone or iPad will not be updated to the latest software version and you can easily leave the old firmware.
  • Everything happens directly from the device menu, no computer is needed.

There are also disadvantages:

  • So far it only works on iOS 8.1 – 8.4. Although there are reports that it works for some users on iOS 9. But not for everyone.
  • iPod Touch 6th generation - not supported.

After everything is over (the device will reboot itself), the iPhone will be completely clean - without jailbreak and other user data. At the same time, the firmware version will not change and will remain the same as it was!

If this method does not suit you, there is only one way out - restoring the firmware.

How to completely erase jailbreak from iPhone and iPad

The easiest option and also the most reliable is to use iTunes. All you need to do is follow a few simple steps:

It would seem that everything is very simple, but it happens that the jail has already caused unique damage to the device and it simply refuses to boot, displays various errors, or is stuck on the apple. Here simple restoration You can’t get away with it anymore - you need to do this...

iPhone or iPad stuck on apple after jailbreak removal via factory reset?

If such a situation occurs, then it is necessary to act in a radical way. Suitable for the most severe cases - all kinds of errors, crashes, glitches, etc. And most importantly, it solves the most common problem when removing a jailbreak - trying to do it through “resetting settings and content” in the device menu. If you perform such an operation, then everything will actually be erased from the device.

However, the iPhone or iPad will freeze, stop loading and simply show an apple on the screen with a loading bar.

To get rid of this, you need to return the firmware, having first entered the gadget into a special mode.

Everything is done quite simply, but requires some care. How to enter the device into DFU mode - how to restore the firmware -. There are no other ways to save an iPhone or iPad that is stuck on an apple!

As you can see, there are many approaches to erase jailbreak and absolutely hopeless situations can not be. However, if something doesn’t work out, then welcome to the comments - we’ll figure it out as a community and try to find the right solution!

Jailbreak is a hacking of iOS firmware, with the help of which users get full access to hidden file system options. Jailbreaking is not a legal procedure, therefore, with the purchase of this firmware version, your IPhone loses the right to warranty service. After reading this article, you will learn how to remove jailbreak without harming your iPhone.

Consequences of Jailbreak:

  • Constant problems with pirated programs, viruses and updates;
  • Installing a large number of third-party tweaks often slows down the operating system;
  • Incompatibility of some applications and OS. Since the hacked firmware has full access to file system, you can install almost any software, however, due to unverified installations, errors may occur in the interaction of software and hardware components;
  • Threat to the security of users' personal data. Tweaks can access information about your passwords and bank card details.

If you have already installed a jailbreak, but now regret it, there are several simple ways, how to remove illegal firmware and return the phone to service.

Preparing for removal

Before you start deleting, you should prepare your iPhone. By following all the methods below, you can roll back jailbreak without restoring via PC:

  1. To avoid losing data, make a backup;
  2. Connect to your Wi-Fi router;
  3. Insert SIM card;
  4. Enable Find My iPhone in Apple settings ID.
Note! To successfully complete the jailbreak reset, be sure to charge your phone to at least 20%. Otherwise, the iPhone may not turn on.

Rollback Jailbreak

All jailbroken iPhones have the Cydia app. Open it. In the "Individual Sources" column, select "Big Boss". In the window that opens, click on Cydia Impactor and install the component.

After installation, a program icon will appear on the iPhone desktop. Launch it. At the bottom of the screen, select “unjailbreak device”. All data will be deleted from the smartphone, which is why you need to take care of creating a backup copy of files and folders in advance.

After confirming the deletion, the iPhone screen will go dark, then a command line will appear on it. Put your phone down and wait for it to reboot after 10-15 minutes. Then you will need to re-authorize in the Apple ID system and register your iPhone.

Thanks to this method, the last installed one will remain on the phone. iOS version. If you were unable to remove the jailbreak using this method, you can restore your device using iTunes. This method will work in any case, the only drawback is that after full reset The phone will be returned to its factory configuration.

Connect the devaqs to your computer and launch the iTunes program. Wait for the iPhone recognition procedure to complete and in the main window click on “Recover this iPhone”. After the reset, you need to register the phone, go to settings, check for updates and restore the current firmware version over the air.

IPhone Hardware Recovery

Some iPhones may not work correctly after jailbreaking. In this case, you need to perform a hardware update of the phone configuration. As a result, the correct interaction of the microcontroller with modules that are connected to the central processor is configured.

Launch DFU mode You can do this by pressing the Home and Power keys at the same time. Do not release the buttons for 15 seconds. Then release Power, but continue pressing Home until vibration occurs. DFU will turn off on its own after 5-15 minutes, and the device will reboot.